Sunday, November 15, 2009

Scariest movie ever ?!?

Director: Oren Peli
Cast: Micah Sloat, Katie Featherstone

My initial thoughts when i heard about this movies: 'A low budget movie that debuted at the Screamfest Horror film Festival...PASS!' I decided to watch this after reading some good reviews and the fact that it was being advocated by Steven Spielberg didn't hurt. Technically this movie came out in 2007, but Paramount decided to give it a wide release in 2009. Another famous movie that had a similar release was 'Taken' starring Liam Neeson.

Rather that the movie itself, what i found most interesting were the facts about the movie:
1.  Filmed for USD$15,000 and grossed USD$9.1 million in its first week in the US, breaking the record of highest-grossing weekend ever for a movie playing at less than 200 theaters.
2. The director filmed the whole movie in his own home.
3.  Paranormal Activity broke the record for the most profitable movie in film history, a record previously held byThe Blair Witch Project (1999).
4. The original ending was changed at the suggestion of Steven Spielberg.
5. There are atleast 3 known ending to the movie.

The whole movie is shot with a single camera. The camera work is really similar to that of 'The Blair Witch Project' and 'Cloverfield'. The movie is claimed to be one of the scariest movies of the year..which i kinda agree with. Its not the kind of jitters you get from watching say a gory movie like the 'Texas chainsaw Massacre' or a movie like 'The Ring'. The story can be relatable to everyone; I'm sure everyone has had a creepy feeling that something was hiding in the dark corner of the room, a strange eerie noise from the door or the cupboard, etc.This is one of the vital points that the film takes advantage of in making this a scary movie. This movie falls under the recovered-footage type movie.

The plot is rather sample, After a young, middle class couple moves into a suburban 'starter' tract house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be somehow demonic but is certainly most active in the middle of the night. Especially when they sleep. Or try to.
There are only a few characters in the movies, this helps to concentrate on the two main leads rather than figure out who's who. The two lead actors have done a very good job. As the movie progresses, you will start to empathize with their feelings; the character development is so good that you will feel like you are in their shoes.
You may not find this movie scary ( i didn't..honestly) however, i have to admit that were some really creepy scenes that had me on my toes..literally. As the movie progressed, i started to feel anxiety till the very end.
This is what i feel is the best art of the movie; the suspense. The first half of the movie is a bit slow and banal but it eventually quickens its pace.

Overall, i think this movie was well made, especially considering it was made by a new director for a realllly low budget. I do however think this movie is overhyped but it is worth a watch if you feel like watching a Scary movie. One piece of advise: Make sure you do not read the spoilers as this will complete ruin the viewing pleasure. This goes without saying but DON'T WATCH THIS DURING DAYTIME!
I would rate this movie a 3.5/5 stars.

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